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1. Notebook 2. Pad Paper

Art Supplies

Art Supplies

1. Jumbo Crayons, 2. Broad Tip Markers, 3. Rounded Scissors, 4. Glue, 5. Supply Box

Writing Materials

Writing Materials

1. 12 inch Ruler 2. Jumbo Pencil 3. Pencils (at least 3) 4. Erasers 5. Blue Ball-Point Pen

Holy Bible

Holy Bible

King James Version

Colored Paper

Colored Paper

Describe your image

Extra Clothes

Extra Clothes

Extra clothes for Emergencies

Hygiene Kit

Hygiene Kit

1. Toothbrush, Toothpaste 2. Tissues 3. Comb 4. Any other hygienic item needed...

Clear Folder

Clear Folder

Use a clear folder to keep PACE's and assignments clean and neat.



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