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Music Division

Art Division

Platform Division

Athletic Division



Contestants may be enrolled in any of the following types of schools in which Accelerated Christian Education material and procedures are implemented by students and staff:

Formal day schools with a campus Learning Center such as:

  • Church School

  • Institutional School

  • Mission School

  • Private School (Any or all of the above will be referred to herein as a “day school.”)

All of the above must adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Compliance with all appearance and dress code standards.

  2. Compliance with the conduct code.

  3. Compliance with age limitations.

  4. Compliance with all event limitations.

  5. Curriculum is diagnosed and prescribed according to the A.C.E. Procedures Manual.

  6. The student is not enrolled in any other educational program in pursuit of a high school diploma, except for part-time or distance-learning college courses.

  7.  Each contestant must be currently enrolled and actively studying in a complete course of at least two of the five Accelerated Christian Education core subjects (math, English, social studies, science, or Word Building)


Number of Entries per School

In events involving more than four students, or in a group elimination event such as PACE Bowl, Basketball, and Volleyball, the limit is one entry per event per school.

  •  In other elimination events (Checkers, Chess, Table Tennis, and Tennis) a school is allowed two entries per event.

  • In One-Act Play and Bible Bowl, a school is allowed two entries.

  • In all other events, a school is allowed six entries per event.

  • Each contestant may have only one entry in an event. (For example, your school may have two vocal mixed trios, but no student may be entered in both.) The Regional Convention may not establish policies contrary to the Student Convention Guidelines.

# of Entries per School


  1. Students who attain their twelfth birthday by December 31, 2022 and who have not attained their twentieth birthday by the same date are eligible to attend Student Convention.

  2.  Students who graduate or complete their graduation requirements at any time during the current school year may still compete.

  3.  Students who have graduated from high school prior to the present school year are not eligible to compete at the Convention regardless of their age.

  4.  Married students, parents, or expectant parents are not eligible to compete.

  5. Students may not be recruited from any type school for participation at the Convention.


Number of Individual Events

  1. A contestant may enter any six performance events with exceptions noted below. (Performance events are events that require the participant to compete during the actual Convention; that is, all athletic events, speech and drama, Bible Memory, and so on.)

  2. A student may enter numerous nonperformance events, as approved by his/her parents. (Nonperformance events are events that only require the participant to submit his/her entry.)

  3. The total combined number of performance and nonperformance events must not exceed twelve.

Exceptions and Clarifications:

  1. Each student may enter only two elimination events. (Elimination events are Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Chess, Checkers, and PACE Bowl.) Those who participate in any two of these events may enter only two other performance events that involve four or more contestants.

  2. Each contestant may enter no more than three athletic events.

  3. A student may not participate in two identical events (that is, two male duets, and so on).

  4. Each contestant must be present the entire Convention and must attend all scheduled rallies. 

# of Individual Events

©2024 by School of Tomorrow Asia- Far East

License Kao Tao 2946

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